6.5 Gallon Sparging Bag
6.5 Gallon Sparging Bag in All Grain Brewing
6.5 Gallon Sparging Bag Home Brewing and Wine Making Supplies from American Brewmaster in All Grain Brewing
6.5 Gallon Sparging Bag
6.5 Gallon Sparging Bag -
This sparge bag is perfect for 5 gallon coolers, and is a simple and inexpensive way to get into all grain brewing.
The bag is made of durable nylon and reusable. Fine woven sides and coarse woven bottom prevent wort from channelling down the walls of your cooler/mash tun.
Lift bag approximately 1 inch off bottom of cooler when sparging and you will create "false" bottom. Secure sides of bag around cooler with a bungie cord to keep it off the bottom when sparging.
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AMERICAN BREWMASTER Raleigh, NC 27604. | Open Times Sunday 12 to 4 Monday - Wednesday 10 - 4:00 Thursday - Saturday 10 - 5:30 | Telephone (919) 850-0095 | Text (984) 251-3030 |
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