Fast Rack Bottle Rack and Tray
Fast Rack Bottle Rack and Tray in Bottles & Bottle Caps
FastRack, the lastest homebrew tool to make homebrewing easier, faster and even more enjoyable. Homebrewers are updating their homebrew supplies from old beer bottle trees to brand new FastRacks Today!
Fast Rack Bottle Rack and Tray Home Brewing and Wine Making Supplies from American Brewmaster in Bottles & Bottle Caps
Fast Rack Bottle Rack and Tray
FastRack is a plastic rack and tray that holds empty beer bottles upside down. Bottles are inserted into the FastRack and drain into the FastRack tray. Next, an empty beer box is inserted over the bottles and everything is flipped over. This simple process is Fast – less than 15 seconds to put 24 bottles in a FastRack and flip it into a box.
FastRack, the lastest homebrew tool to make homebrewing easier, faster and even more enjoyable. Homebrewers are updating their homebrew supplies from old beer bottle trees to brand new FastRacks Today! 

Contact and Hours
AMERICAN BREWMASTER Raleigh, NC 27604. | Open Times Sunday 12 to 4 Monday - Wednesday 10 - 4:00 Thursday - Saturday 10 - 5:30 | Telephone (919) 850-0095 | Text (984) 251-3030 |
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