German Light Munich 1 lbs Home Brewing and Wine Making Supplies from American Brewmaster in Base Grains
German Light Munich 1 lbs
Base/specialty malt to impart robust malt flavor -
Light Munich is a kilned lager-style malt made from quality, two-row, German spring barley. Usually used as a specialty malt, it has a high enzyme content despite its color, and can constitute up to 100% of the grist. It produces robust malt characteristics, including full body, amber color, and smooth mouthfeel. The flavor is strongly malty and the rich aroma has notes of light caramel, honey, and bread. Munich malt is typically used in dark lagers and ales, especially Munich-style lagers, various bock styles, and German festival beers like Märzenbier, Festbier, and Märzen.
German Munich Malt
enhanced dark beer body and aroma
Light Munich - Munich Light Malt Light Munich malt provides a modest color increase in the golden to Orange range.
It adds a rich malty / bready flavor to beers.
For Bock and dark beers use 10 to 30% of the total grist to provide a robust malty / bready and melanoiden characteristic typical of the rich flavors characteristic of these types of beers.
For Amber and Marzen beers, use 5 to 15% to obtain a firm malty flavor. 3 to 10% Crystal malt is also used in these styles to round out the flavor and impact color and body.
For Pale Ales and Canadian style lager, use 3 to 7%.
For low gravity beers use two to 5% for a little complexity.
Munich malt is a diastatic grain and should be mashed.
Tags: munich malt, german grain, german malt, light munich, munich 1, munich i, avangard lbs, base, grains